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Simulation and models of the catenary-pantograph dynamic interaction

A. Carnicero, J.R. Jiménez-Octavio, C. Sanchez-Rebollo

En el libro Issues on mechanical and civil engineering

UPM Press, Madrid, España

ISBN: 978-84-939196-7-2

Publicado: 2013

A. Carnicero, J.R. Jiménez-Octavio, C. Sanchez-Rebollo, Simulation and models of the catenary-pantograph dynamic interaction, en Issues on mechanical and civil engineering. Ed. UPM Press. Madrid, España, 2013.

    Líneas de investigación:
  • *Sistemas Mecánicos: Mecánica estructural, elementos de máquinas, prototipado rápido, metrología dimensional

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